Five lawyers in TDI’s Fraud Unit work in district attorney’s (DA) offices in Tarrant, Bexar, Dallas, Harris, and Travis counties to prosecute insurance fraud.
The program’s chief prosecutor, Kyson Johnson, helped start the program 20 years ago.
What value does TDI bring to DA’s offices?
TDI’s embedded lawyers know about complex insurance issues and can rely on TDI staff to help answer detailed questions. Other assistant district attorneys often lack such expertise and resources.
How does an insurance fraud case get to a TDI lawyer?
The Fraud Unit employs about 20 investigators statewide who get leads from consumers, law enforcement and insurance companies. They firm up the leads, gather evidence, and conduct interviews to build a case they can give to the Fraud Unit’s lawyers in the DA offices. The lawyers present the cases to grand juries and – if there’s enough evidence – prosecute the case.
How does the Fraud Unit prosecution office help DAs?
County DA offices may not have enough resources to devote to prosecuting insurance fraud. They focus on rapes, robberies, murders, as well as financial crimes. TDI provides resources to help prosecute insurance fraud.
Are the Fraud Unit investigators TDI employees?
Yes, TDI interviews, hires, and pays the embedded prosecutors who work in the DA offices. TDI has a memorandum of understanding with each DA. The prosecutors report to their respective DA and work within their teams.
Why is it important to prosecute insurance fraud?
Insurance fraud affects everybody. When insurance companies pay fraudulent claims, it drives up the premiums they charge to cover losses. Reducing fraud can help lower premiums.